Map2Curve Update 0.5 Progression #2

Hey guys!
I am still working on the new feature, which will enable you to generate additional detail objects along curve objects.
I had a hard time figuring out a specific calculation method, that actually wasn’t even necessary in the end, so there went one or two weeks of depressing work.

Detail Groups

Pitch for Ramps
As you can see on the GIF I am including a pitch for ramps, which will make sense in some situations, where you want the detail object to actually follow the ramp completely. It won’t produce perfect alignments for every setup though.

Origin Point
Also at the moment the Origin of a detail object is its bounding box center point. Later I might include a way to use actual Origin brushes.

Creating Detail Objects
Detail objects are being created in the same MAP-file as the curve source objects. In order for Map2Curve to know which brush belongs to a detail object group, it has to be given a new Key and Value.
Currently it is done like this:

Key: m2c_dgroup
Value: CustomGroupName

A detail object, or rather a detail object group, can consist of multiple different entities. Each one needs the same group name ofc.

What about Point Entities?
I am on it.

Entity angles and numeration
I am aiming at automatically generating rotations for point and solid entities, that use the “angles”-key (NPCs, weapons, light_spot, func_door_rotating, etc.).
Also I want add a function to number entities consecutively (button01,button02,…). For this the tool will look for keys like “target” and “targetname”. This makes generation of functional setups – that depend on individual targetnames – a lot easier.

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